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Going to school is not an easy decision. Going to school means that you have evaluated the cost to you in terms of time and cost. You have evaluated the impact on your family and friends. Now that you have concluded that you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your degree at African Continental University, we are prepared to work with you to assure that your journey is smooth as you move towards your matriculation. We have advisors assigned to you to help you along the way. They are the commencement team. The team works with you on the onset of your academic journey.

Your Enrollment Counselor will assist you with prerequisites, forms and will assure that you meet your academic objectives. This counselor will be available for all your needs throughout your student life.

Academic Counselor will counsel you on your elected curriculum to meet the timetable of your degree. Your counselor will assure that you meet all the necessary requirements. He/she will answer all your questions as the need arises.

Finance Counselor understands the intricate world of educational financial support and can help you apply your fees correctly.

This team is here to assure that your academic experience at African Continental University is a good experience for you. They will work with you to assure that you finish your entire academic journey at ACU. You are capable of making your academic intentions a certainty. When you share a little about yourself and your aspiration with us, your enrollment counselor will get in touch with you soon.



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