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African Educational Renaissance
EST. 2015
The primary function of this position is to assume leadership and responsibility for the development of academic programs of study following specific guidelines associated with the Higher Learning Commission, Illinois Community College Board, accrediting agencies if applicable and appropriate college policies and procedures.
Responsible for the initiation of new curriculum, following established policy/procedures and accrediting/Licensure criteria and standards as appropriate.
Develops program degrees/certificates/courses, using appropriate curriculum documents and processes, syllabi, and other materials as appropriate according to established policy/procedure, criteria and standards.
Collaborates with the appropriate Dean in establishing a timeline for program development completion, pre-accreditation, accreditation and licensure activities (if appropriate) according to appropriate criteria and standards.
Create, gather, organize and compile reference resources for use with the curriculum.
For accredited/licensed programs develop a philosophy, mission, and vision for the Program of Study that is in alignment with college mission, vision, and strategic plan.
For Career programs develop an advisory committee, arrange and conduct advisory committee meeting, following established guidelines and accreditation/licensure criteria and standards.
Assume responsibility for the establishment of Program of Study laboratory, including purchasing of equipment and supplies.
Identify curriculum structure, enrollment, faculty, space, and budgetary needs and target dates for implementation phase.
Draft descriptive material about the Program of Study curriculum and course offerings for printing of marketing and program promotion materials.
Begin to secure agreements with facilities for clinical education (if appropriate); obtain and maintain written contractual agreements with these agencies in collaboration with the appropriate Dean.
For accredited/licensed programs notify the appropriate accreditation/licensure agency when initiation of the education program has been granted by the Board of Trustees. Submit Declaration of Intent in appropriate time before students begin the first course.
In consultation with college personnel in Enrollment Services develop admission, promotion and graduation standards and policies, as well as related forms and materials.
Research and develop relevant and effective programs based on labor market trends, community and business needs, and content area input.
Identify the most appropriate learning strategies for the particular programs of study being developed.
Develop course material for instructor-led and web-based courses if appropriate.
Develop learning objectives, assessment strategies and evaluation techniques as part of the curriculum and instructional materials for identified programs of study.
Create design documents that specify learning objectives and materials, measures student learning, design specifications and learning impact.
Review/conduct labor market scanning of emerging trends and consults with division instructional leaders to plan the development of new curriculums to meet emerging workforce needs.
Other duties as assigned by the appropriate Dean.
Eleanor Silverstein